early orthodontic treatment

Early Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic Treatment For Kids 7 And Up In Denver

Some children require early orthodontics, also called Phase 1 treatment or early intervention, to help create space for the permanent teeth. The goal of this treatment is to intercept or address any bite issues and other orthodontic problems when they can be easily corrected. Dr. Eberle takes a conservative approach to this treatment, and will only recommend intervention if absolutely necessary. While not all young patients require it, early orthodontics provides the greatest opportunity to avoid extractions, shorten future treatment and prevent problems down the road.

What Is Early Orthodontics?

Early orthodontics aims to expand the palate, create facial symmetry and guide jaw growth and development as your child grows in order to reduce future treatment time, reduce the need for extractions and make space for permanent teeth. If intervention is not needed at this time, Dr. Eberle will recommend period monitoring in order to begin treatment at the ideal time.

Why Is Early Orthodontic Treatment Important?

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that every child visit an orthodontist for an evaluation by the age of 7. While not all children will require treatment at this age, an orthodontist like Dr. Eberle will examine your child’s mouth and jaw to determine if early intervention is necessary. Dr. Eberle is trained to identify subtle abnormalities in jaw growth as well as bite alignment discrepancies which may require more aggressive and expensive treatment in the future. When caught early, starting early treatment for your child can help prevent more serious issues down the road.

Is My Child A Candidate For Early Orthodontics?

At Eberle Orthodontics, we know that identifying and treating early childhood bite issues has a positive impact on building a beautiful, healthy smile for the future. Through X-rays and an examination, Dr. Eberle can determine if your child needs early treatment by looking for:

When the lower jaw extends out ahead of the upper front teeth

When the upper and lower teeth do not properly align when the jaws are closed

When the upper front teeth extend outward over the lower teeth, which can occur from thumb or finger sucking habits

When the upper cover the lower teeth, also known as a deep bite

When there is insufficient space within the dental arch for proper alignment of teeth, often resulting in misalignment or overlapping

Refers to an abundance of gap or room within the dental arch, which may require treatment to close the spaces or redistribute teeth for optimal alignment

Why Do I Need To Bring My Child To The Orthodontist By Age 7?

By age 7, your child probably has a mixture of permanent teeth and primary teeth, also called baby teeth. This is known as mixed dentition, and it is when the bite is beginning to take shape. Around this time, we recommend that parents bring their child into our office for an orthodontic evaluation. You should also schedule an appointment with us if you or your child’s dentist notice any of the following:

  • Thumb or finger sucking
  • Pacifier use beyond the age of 2
  • Upper teeth that protrude forward
  • Mouth breathing during sleep
  • Speech issues
  • Difficulty chewing or taking bites of food

Benefits Of Early Orthodontic Treatment

While Dr. Eberle only recommends early orthodontic treatment when it is unavoidable, it can significantly impact the growth and development of a young patient’s smile. Some of the advantages of early treatment include:

  • Creating room for crowded, erupting teeth
  • Creating facial symmetry
  • Lessening the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth
  • Making space for permanent teeth
  • Reducing the need for extractions
  • Reducing future treatment time

Early Orthodontic Treatment Appliances

We use a few different appliances to help develop the upper and lower arches and guide the angle of protruding front teeth during early orthodontic treatment. Dr. Eberle may recommend:

A palatal expander: Also known as a rapid palatal expander, this is used in the upper arch to create a wider space. If the upper arch is too narrow, the palatal expander applies gentle outward pressure on the back molars to create expansion.

The Schwartz Appliance: This is a lower expander that is removable. It is used to create more space for bottom teeth that may be crowded.

Limited braces: Partial braces are sometimes placed on the upper front teeth, if they are protruding forward. They help to guide the angle of the upper front teeth down to a more safe position.

After Early Treatment: What’s Next ?

At the end of early treatment, there are usually still several baby teeth present, and your child will receive a retainer to wear at night to keep their teeth from shifting. Dr. Eberle will continue to see your child for appointments every few months to monitor his or her growth and development. Once your child has lost all of their baby teeth and the new permanent teeth grow in, Dr. Eberle will re-evaluate what other potential orthodontic treatment might be necessary. Most early treatment patients need a second phase of treatment that involves full braces to perfect both the aesthetics and function of their smile.

Schedule Your Child’s Appointment At Eberle Orthodontics

Located in Denver, CO, Eberle Orthodontics offers complimentary appointments to determine if your child is a candidate for early orthodontic treatment. Call our office today at (303) 320-0307 or complete our online form to request your child’s appointment. We look forward to helping your child grow a healthy smile together!

Personalized Orthodontic Care For The Whole Family

Let’s Get Started

Dr. Eberle provides cutting-edge, personalized orthodontic solutions in the vibrant Cherry Creek district of Denver, Colorado. Whether your orthodontic needs are straightforward or intricate, and whether you’re a child, teenager, or adult, Eberle Orthodontics is here to serve you and your family with enthusiasm. We look forward to meeting you and starting on this orthodontic journey together.