orthodontic services

Orthodontic Services

Orthodontics For The Whole Family In Denver, Colorado

At Eberle Orthodontics, we prioritize personalized care, ensuring that each patient receives the attention and treatment they deserve. When you come into our office, Dr. Nicole Eberle and her team will make you feel at home, designing a treatment plan that is completely customized to you. We know every person’s situation is unique, which is why we offer exceptional orthodontic services that will fit you and your lifestyle! Our team is dedicated to helping you on your journey to a confident and healthy smile that lasts a lifetime. Check out the options for our orthodontic services below.

Our Orthodontic Services

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At Eberle Orthodontics, we offer two styles of appliances: traditional metal and clear/ceramic braces. Traditional metal braces have withstood the test of time due to their proven ability to deliver exceptional results in correcting various orthodontic issues. While they may lack the subtle look of newer methods, their durability and affordability make them a popular choice if you are looking for a reliable orthodontic treatment. In comparison, our clear braces are designed for those looking for a more discreet option. The tooth-colored materials blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, making them less noticeable. They are a welcome option for our patients who desire a more conspicuous approach for a straighter smile without sacrificing the effectiveness of your treatment.

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Invisalign® For Adults & Teens

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Invisalign® is a modern solution for achieving a more healthy, beautiful smile by addressing a variety of concerns such as crowding, spacing irregularities and bite misalignment. Many adults and teens who shy away from metal braces choose this approach. The clear aligners blend in with your natural teeth, making it nearly impossible for your friends and family to tell you have anything on your teeth at all! The aligner trays are also removable, allowing you to take them out when you need to, so you can eat what you want when you want! For busy teenagers, this is a huge bonus—they don’t need to worry about wearing a mouthguard when playing sports or how those prom pictures will turn out. Overall, Invisalign® is a great option if you are looking for an orthodontic treatment that is shorter, less painful and nearly invisible while straightening your smile.

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Once you have finished your orthodontic treatment, it is important to protect your new beautiful smile with a retainer. Teeth have a tendency to move back to their original positions, especially in the months following the completion of your braces or clear aligners treatment. Wearing a retainer helps prevent relapse, ensuring your desired results last for years to come. Dr. Eberle uses two different kinds of retainers: removable and bonded ones. Bonded is just like it sounds. Dr. Eberle will fix it to the back of your teeth—typically the front bottom teeth—providing a steadfast foundation for your newfound alignment. Our removable retainers allow you to have more freedom to take them out at your convenience—whether it’s time to eat, brush or floss. You will need to be dedicated to wearing them consistently. With the help of these retainers and wearing them regularly as prescribed by Dr. Eberle, our patients maintain their radiant new smile and achieve long-term oral health for life.

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Orthodontics For All Ages

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At Eberle Orthodontics, we strive for the highest standard of orthodontic treatment for patients of all ages. Each patient is unique and so are their orthodontic requirements. Sometimes, children may require Phase 1 treatment with limited braces and/or palatal expansion to help create space to accommodate all of the permanent teeth. Early orthodontics is an early interceptive treatment to help grow the mouth in preparation for adult teeth. By the time teenage years come around, all of the permanent teeth have erupted, or are close to erupting, and we can begin treatment to address the aesthetics and function of your child’s smile. As we age into adulthood, our teeth shift and can become crowded and even crooked. This may seem like strictly a cosmetic concern, but crowded teeth are actually more difficult to brush and floss properly. Everyone should feel confident in their smile regardless of age, and we are here to help make it happen!

Why Should I Get Orthodontic Treatment?

There are many benefits to receiving orthodontic treatment. Here are a few of the reasons our team recommends it:

Straighter teeth enhance the overall appearance of your smile.

Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.

Correcting misalignments can improve bite function, reducing strain on jaw joints.

Addressing issues like misaligned jaws can contribute to clearer speech.

A more aligned and attractive smile often leads to increased self-esteem and confidence.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

At Eberle Orthodontics, we can’t wait to help you on your journey to a straight, healthy smile. To learn more about our orthodontic services, call us at 303-320-0307 or schedule your consultation online. Our team looks forward to hearing from you!

Personalized Orthodontic Care For The Whole Family

Let’s Get Started

Dr. Eberle provides cutting-edge, personalized orthodontic solutions in the vibrant Cherry Creek district of Denver, Colorado. Whether your orthodontic needs are straightforward or intricate, and whether you’re a child, teenager, or adult, Eberle Orthodontics is here to serve you and your family with enthusiasm. We look forward to meeting you and starting on this orthodontic journey together.